Sunday, 28 December 2014

Losing weight is not about looking good, but also being healthy .

How did I lose weight in 2 months times ?
Losing weight is about 60 % dieting and 30 % of the exercise .
But for me I didn’t have the time to work out so I was only able to do a 90 % dieting and 10 % exercise .
Now let me claimed that I am not an expect but below are just the methods of how I lose weight and it works for me .
I am someone with low metabolism , so losing weight is even something harder for me .
I used to weight about 56 to 58 , and the heaviest this year I gained was up to 59 kgs.
Why ? because I was broken , heart-breaking , having family problems , was upset and the only thing that makes me happy was food . Hence from my normal weight which is 56 kgs , I gained to 59 kgs .
GAINED 3 kgs is like so super a lot . My eating was big at that time , it was my holidays season , and after work I can feel really hungry and went to the mc Donald and eat a lot at about 11 pm .
That was the reason why I had a major weight gain .
I try to lose weight but It was really hard at the start .
Thankfully I was motivated and managed to get back to my normal weight which is about 56kgs.
Now I am someone that loves to bake a lot , especially eating pastry food. (but remember that are high in calories ) which means they aren’t good for weight lost .
Hence during my second long holidays which was at august, I decided to really go on a clean diet and lose weight !!!!!!!!!!
First step :
Keep on ask yourself !!! ask yourself what is the reason that you want to lose weight ?
For me I always wanted to wear bikini and have a nice body shape to wear it .
For other people can be a reason of wearing nice clothes , going out on a date , attract guys attention.
But everyone wants to look good right ? isn’t ? Hence keep on ask yourself why do you want to lose weight . 

 dont you wanna have a body like this ?

Second step :
Cut down on sweet drinks !!!!
Now sweet drink can play a big role in losing weight . drinks like milk tea, frappe , ice-blended , bottled green-tea they all contains sugar !!! Even KOPI ( coffee from the coffee shop)
Therefore , cut out all of them !  u will see a 2 kgs result in 1 months times if u only go for water , green-tea, and some natural tea .
Now if you are someone that really cannot live without coffee or black tea , then I can suggest you to either drink it without sugar or u can add honey or equal sugar ( this are the more healthy options ). 

All these food are high in calories , things like fries, burgers, potato chips , that are all bad food that helps your body to store fats and it needs a longer time to burn them off . hence eliminate it . NO MORE FAST FOOD, BBQ FOOD, CHIPS , CANDY . 

ELIMATE the white Food on your food list , things like white bread , rice , noodles, are bad carbohydrates . It slows down the digestion of your body.
Go for more healthy options: for example, if you eat white rice, it isn’t good for your body because it has high in sugar content, hence replace it with brown rice. This is what I did. I replaced all my white rice with brown rice. Therefore, if u point me with a knife and ask me to eat white rice I would say NO !!! haha , but I do cheats someday is I really didn’t have any choice .
If you are someone that can’t live without titbits, then replaced it with almonds , almond are best for snacks , but however not to indulge too much as it is high in calories . It does help to boost metabolism!! So u can have almonds for snacks! ( noted , 1 cup per day is enough ).
Replace all your snacks with fruits and vegetables. For example carrots sticks can be a good snacks also !!! KIWI, BLUEBERRIES, APPLE , PAPAYA , THEY ARE ALL SO NICE TO EAT !
Now eating chocolate is good because it helps to release stress and there are lots of benefits from the chocolate , it helps with our skin also ! however !!!!! it has high sugar content ! therefore , go for dark chocolate instead of the milk or normal chocolate !
Dark chocolate has so many benefits if you search on the internet! I had some dark chocolate and trust me , if you tried the more bitter dark chocolate , the more you will love it . I am now eating 85% dark chocolate and I am so in love with it . 

There will always be people tempting you with nice food , like ice-cream , fried food, candies, and many more , but however , you just have to learn to say no and need to say no. remember all the hard work you have put in to come so far ? are you really going to let those nice food affect your results? LOOK guys , always remember !!! tastes only last a while , while fats last forever ! hence the taste you get for a few second will turns into fats that last forever in your body . Do you want that to happen?  

6th : remember to eat consistently
I always remind myself that I have to eat every three to four hours because I need to keep my metabolism works a little bit more , even though it Is still super slow now but I really have to find some way to boost it . Now I can’t do much of the exercise because I really have got no time , I am already busy with work and studies, how am I able to spare sometime to work out in the gym or travel to the gym ? . Therefore , I only can try my best to go on a diet , however , I know I need to lose fats not lose weight !
There’s a difference between losing weight and losing fats , what we want to lose is the fats not the weight , because fats in the one that are harder to lose . we can just simply lose weight by losing muscle which means we can even get fatter . therefore , I am trying my best right now to set sometimes for exercising in order to lose fats .

So some of the question you might want to ask me :
1st : have you tried on any weigh lost product ? does it work ?
Yes , I did try on a product which is a detox tea ( I am not going to say what brand ) but it is kinda like a famous detox tea on the social media , therefore , I decided to give it a try .
It stated on the internet people do lose weight after trying the tea and the effect was really fast. I tried it and I lose one kg in about a week .
But however , it doesn’t work for me at all.
I feel weak after drinking the tea , and all I did was going in and out of the toilet to shit . it wasn’t  a pleasant time for me . the tea does taste good . I remember I was in the middle of the lesson and I have to go to the toilet and poops so badly. And I just poop and poop. Hence it became a diarrhoea tea for me instead.  The result was really fast but I feel like my stomach has been damaged so badly . therefore , I stopped, and my weight just went back .
The other products I tried was herbalife formula one shakes . well it is also a no use for me , my weight didn’t go down at all and you have to spend so damn a lot of money on this products .
After I tried the product and know it was no used , the person who sells me the product started introduced me to other of their product like the metabolism pills, and don’t know what other is that .

I won’t recommend people to try herbalife because , really , if u do not have the money , there won’t be any results. You need to be rich in order for you to use their products and slim down .
Once you stopped the products, you will definitely gain back . Not only I have tried the product but some of my friends tried it and it was terrible .(  
The taste of the shakes was “YUCKS” and I have no idea how people can drink it like it is so delicious.
You have to replace two meals with the shakes and eat a normal lunch. But come on , it is just a drink , it can’t full you for long.
If you are not rich or have been working so hard in life for money , best methods to lose weight , GO ON A CLEAN DIETS! 
Hence that concluded my post . I am now on still trying to lose to my targeted weight which is about 48kgs and right now I am around 50 to 51 kgs.i lost about 5 kgs in 2 months .
my height is around 158 to 159 therefore , I am still not looking that slim as more work has to be done !
If I am not careful and eat more on a day , I can gained it back really fast as I am having more fats in my body .
So guys , lets work hard together and see the result !!!

Saturday, 27 December 2014

half a year has gone ............

A long story that I am going to share .

Wow is so long since I start writing , haha , like who will even care to read my blog .
But it’s okay , at least I am writing out my feelings again .
This half a year was really fast for me .
I became bad and became good again .
My relationships between my family were better and I am so glad about it and thank god for letting me having a better relationship with my family members.
 I had let go of all the hatred I had with my father , living in hatred is just bad . while I am learning to let go of hatred and learn to love more , I feel so much better . this is the thing that I thought I will not be able to experience it .

I started to believe in god , I feel god presence . 
I am a broken person, and I am healing from it . 
I lose weight .
After I lose weight I don’t feel my body is good because I am getting sick easily.
I treasure everything right now, and I am stress now .
I am slowly overcoming my stress and I will overcome it one day .
I am hoping for a better life and trying to find out how am I going to have a better life .
I got judge by others people who I don’t know and they always stared at me when I don’t even know them . HAHA .
So I am going to write out the things right here .

Thursday, 26 June 2014

LENOVO S410 review, disappointment, slow, never an ideapad

Review on Lenovo S410 laptop.

The worst laptop that I have encountered  in my life. NEVER BUY A LENOVO BRAND LAPTOP.
This post on my review on the Lenovo, s410 “ideapad” which is what they called it, but however it Is never going to be an idea to buy it .

So my laptop that I have been using currently, was heavy and there is something wrong with the screen. probably is because that I had used to dropped it . hence , I got no choice to get a new laptop since I need it for my school examination.

I thought Lenovo was a really good brand because many of my classmates , friends are all using Lenovo brand. Hence I decided to get a Lenovo laptop since it is affordable and the design was pretty awesome too.
I got this ideapad Lenovo S410 , it was 1.8 kg running on an i5 processor.  ( really light and nice for carrying around if you are travelling.) and the design is really nice. Hence I bought it .

I am a student currently studying in one of the polytechnic in Singapore and my school requires laptop in everyday life .
Getting a light laptop is very important since my house is far away from my school and I need to travel around.

Bought it and  came out to be a huge disappointment to me. The laptop was really freaking hell slow and it just keep on “hang” and “jam”. All if this is happening to a new laptop, there must be something really wrong.
Can you imaging ? during one of my school examination , it “hangs” ? I was like WTF ? people already starting on their exam and you are playing this with me ? are you seriously kidding me?
Not only does my school examination client got “jam “ at the start of the exam but it also got “jam “ when I am submitting the paper. “HOLLY CRAPS”. I  bought a freaking lousy fake china product( I mean it is not fake but completely real. it looks and performs so fake like a china phone.  .

The design was nice ? hell no !!! my laptop was even built unevenly . here are some of the pictures that you can see and tell obviously.
the gaps between the right side of the computer is more further away from each other. 
and the gaps between the left side is more closer-up 

Not even after two days I bought the laptop, the keyboard has got problem . and I need to get it for repair .
The battery stated that it can last for about up to 5 hours and let me tell you, that is a piece of fucking shit. They just wanted to lie to the customer for purchasing it . it's never going to last up to 5 hours . at most 2.5 ? ! dafaq ? I asked the manager of the repairing center why my laptop battery can only last to 2.5 ?
He replied “ this is normal, your laptop battery is fine, the brochure puts 5 hours is when you are not running anything and probably on the sleeping mode .” ( I should have recorded it down everything to use it as a proof , how stupid I am ).

Hey ! if this is the truth , why didn’t you ! Lenovo stated that also on the brochure ? why are you trying  to lied to your pitiful customer ?
And worse still  when you got your laptop for repairing , and there is always a limitation that they could do . they will answer you “ THIS IS THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO”  and not helping you to solve the problem .

There was four problem that stated on the paper, but however, the only things they did was to help me changing a new keyboard, that’s it . =_= .
When I got back my computer , it still hangs and was freaking hell slow. ( then what is the points of repairing ?) hellooo???
So I don’t understand what does it meant by an “IDEAPAD”?
I asked them for a refund or an exchange on because the laptop was built so unevenly and guess what's their reply ?
I was like what the fuck? Are you guys trying to push the blame ? are you sure every laptop of this design are built like these? All you guys do is to psycho or convince your customer .
They love to cover the problem . WOW, unbelievable , LENOVO a big brand , and this is the best they can do . by answering or giving you excuses .
And no joke, I think I am not the only person that is having problem with this product. I am sure there are people who are also experiencing the same problem as me,  is just that I am so unlucky .
I probably should have recorded how the chat has go with the manager and the services staff on the phone.
All their favourite phrases are
 “ this is the only thing we can do .”
“All the product are built like that . “

let's not compare lenovo with apple brands, as we know apple is the number 1 leading in the world with its laptops, computer and everything. 

lets just compare it with a simple normal brand acer, by just looking at how the repairing centre looks like , you will know which product you should buy . 
Lenovo service center is inside the building of bukit timah shopping center ,
and for people who are really living in the east , the place is so hard to find. 

and this is the service repairing centre of acer, isn't it look more professional ?
and trust me , when you got your computer for repairing, there are nice sofa and nice air-conditional for you to sit around , plus the waiting time is very fast because i personally went to repair one of my acer computer before.

and by just comparing a simple repairing center environment, this shows how a company cares for their uses .
if a company is willing to give the best to their user , that kind of brand , you can really trust .

for clarification , this is just my review and my feelings plus my experience , i have nothing to go against lenovo, this is what i am experiencing.

So moral of the story I feel like I got cheated from buying a lousy product. So for people who are experiencing the same problem, do feel free to comment on the box down below.