Sunday, 28 December 2014

Losing weight is not about looking good, but also being healthy .

How did I lose weight in 2 months times ?
Losing weight is about 60 % dieting and 30 % of the exercise .
But for me I didn’t have the time to work out so I was only able to do a 90 % dieting and 10 % exercise .
Now let me claimed that I am not an expect but below are just the methods of how I lose weight and it works for me .
I am someone with low metabolism , so losing weight is even something harder for me .
I used to weight about 56 to 58 , and the heaviest this year I gained was up to 59 kgs.
Why ? because I was broken , heart-breaking , having family problems , was upset and the only thing that makes me happy was food . Hence from my normal weight which is 56 kgs , I gained to 59 kgs .
GAINED 3 kgs is like so super a lot . My eating was big at that time , it was my holidays season , and after work I can feel really hungry and went to the mc Donald and eat a lot at about 11 pm .
That was the reason why I had a major weight gain .
I try to lose weight but It was really hard at the start .
Thankfully I was motivated and managed to get back to my normal weight which is about 56kgs.
Now I am someone that loves to bake a lot , especially eating pastry food. (but remember that are high in calories ) which means they aren’t good for weight lost .
Hence during my second long holidays which was at august, I decided to really go on a clean diet and lose weight !!!!!!!!!!
First step :
Keep on ask yourself !!! ask yourself what is the reason that you want to lose weight ?
For me I always wanted to wear bikini and have a nice body shape to wear it .
For other people can be a reason of wearing nice clothes , going out on a date , attract guys attention.
But everyone wants to look good right ? isn’t ? Hence keep on ask yourself why do you want to lose weight . 

 dont you wanna have a body like this ?

Second step :
Cut down on sweet drinks !!!!
Now sweet drink can play a big role in losing weight . drinks like milk tea, frappe , ice-blended , bottled green-tea they all contains sugar !!! Even KOPI ( coffee from the coffee shop)
Therefore , cut out all of them !  u will see a 2 kgs result in 1 months times if u only go for water , green-tea, and some natural tea .
Now if you are someone that really cannot live without coffee or black tea , then I can suggest you to either drink it without sugar or u can add honey or equal sugar ( this are the more healthy options ). 

All these food are high in calories , things like fries, burgers, potato chips , that are all bad food that helps your body to store fats and it needs a longer time to burn them off . hence eliminate it . NO MORE FAST FOOD, BBQ FOOD, CHIPS , CANDY . 

ELIMATE the white Food on your food list , things like white bread , rice , noodles, are bad carbohydrates . It slows down the digestion of your body.
Go for more healthy options: for example, if you eat white rice, it isn’t good for your body because it has high in sugar content, hence replace it with brown rice. This is what I did. I replaced all my white rice with brown rice. Therefore, if u point me with a knife and ask me to eat white rice I would say NO !!! haha , but I do cheats someday is I really didn’t have any choice .
If you are someone that can’t live without titbits, then replaced it with almonds , almond are best for snacks , but however not to indulge too much as it is high in calories . It does help to boost metabolism!! So u can have almonds for snacks! ( noted , 1 cup per day is enough ).
Replace all your snacks with fruits and vegetables. For example carrots sticks can be a good snacks also !!! KIWI, BLUEBERRIES, APPLE , PAPAYA , THEY ARE ALL SO NICE TO EAT !
Now eating chocolate is good because it helps to release stress and there are lots of benefits from the chocolate , it helps with our skin also ! however !!!!! it has high sugar content ! therefore , go for dark chocolate instead of the milk or normal chocolate !
Dark chocolate has so many benefits if you search on the internet! I had some dark chocolate and trust me , if you tried the more bitter dark chocolate , the more you will love it . I am now eating 85% dark chocolate and I am so in love with it . 

There will always be people tempting you with nice food , like ice-cream , fried food, candies, and many more , but however , you just have to learn to say no and need to say no. remember all the hard work you have put in to come so far ? are you really going to let those nice food affect your results? LOOK guys , always remember !!! tastes only last a while , while fats last forever ! hence the taste you get for a few second will turns into fats that last forever in your body . Do you want that to happen?  

6th : remember to eat consistently
I always remind myself that I have to eat every three to four hours because I need to keep my metabolism works a little bit more , even though it Is still super slow now but I really have to find some way to boost it . Now I can’t do much of the exercise because I really have got no time , I am already busy with work and studies, how am I able to spare sometime to work out in the gym or travel to the gym ? . Therefore , I only can try my best to go on a diet , however , I know I need to lose fats not lose weight !
There’s a difference between losing weight and losing fats , what we want to lose is the fats not the weight , because fats in the one that are harder to lose . we can just simply lose weight by losing muscle which means we can even get fatter . therefore , I am trying my best right now to set sometimes for exercising in order to lose fats .

So some of the question you might want to ask me :
1st : have you tried on any weigh lost product ? does it work ?
Yes , I did try on a product which is a detox tea ( I am not going to say what brand ) but it is kinda like a famous detox tea on the social media , therefore , I decided to give it a try .
It stated on the internet people do lose weight after trying the tea and the effect was really fast. I tried it and I lose one kg in about a week .
But however , it doesn’t work for me at all.
I feel weak after drinking the tea , and all I did was going in and out of the toilet to shit . it wasn’t  a pleasant time for me . the tea does taste good . I remember I was in the middle of the lesson and I have to go to the toilet and poops so badly. And I just poop and poop. Hence it became a diarrhoea tea for me instead.  The result was really fast but I feel like my stomach has been damaged so badly . therefore , I stopped, and my weight just went back .
The other products I tried was herbalife formula one shakes . well it is also a no use for me , my weight didn’t go down at all and you have to spend so damn a lot of money on this products .
After I tried the product and know it was no used , the person who sells me the product started introduced me to other of their product like the metabolism pills, and don’t know what other is that .

I won’t recommend people to try herbalife because , really , if u do not have the money , there won’t be any results. You need to be rich in order for you to use their products and slim down .
Once you stopped the products, you will definitely gain back . Not only I have tried the product but some of my friends tried it and it was terrible .(  
The taste of the shakes was “YUCKS” and I have no idea how people can drink it like it is so delicious.
You have to replace two meals with the shakes and eat a normal lunch. But come on , it is just a drink , it can’t full you for long.
If you are not rich or have been working so hard in life for money , best methods to lose weight , GO ON A CLEAN DIETS! 
Hence that concluded my post . I am now on still trying to lose to my targeted weight which is about 48kgs and right now I am around 50 to 51 kgs.i lost about 5 kgs in 2 months .
my height is around 158 to 159 therefore , I am still not looking that slim as more work has to be done !
If I am not careful and eat more on a day , I can gained it back really fast as I am having more fats in my body .
So guys , lets work hard together and see the result !!!

Saturday, 27 December 2014

half a year has gone ............

A long story that I am going to share .

Wow is so long since I start writing , haha , like who will even care to read my blog .
But it’s okay , at least I am writing out my feelings again .
This half a year was really fast for me .
I became bad and became good again .
My relationships between my family were better and I am so glad about it and thank god for letting me having a better relationship with my family members.
 I had let go of all the hatred I had with my father , living in hatred is just bad . while I am learning to let go of hatred and learn to love more , I feel so much better . this is the thing that I thought I will not be able to experience it .

I started to believe in god , I feel god presence . 
I am a broken person, and I am healing from it . 
I lose weight .
After I lose weight I don’t feel my body is good because I am getting sick easily.
I treasure everything right now, and I am stress now .
I am slowly overcoming my stress and I will overcome it one day .
I am hoping for a better life and trying to find out how am I going to have a better life .
I got judge by others people who I don’t know and they always stared at me when I don’t even know them . HAHA .
So I am going to write out the things right here .